Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hey! Does Anyone Read This??

I know we don't get out much & I know we don't have cute little kiddies to show you pictures of or to tell you stories about, but HEH! could somebody at least read & comment here, OK? I mean these antique pictures are pretty cool!!!

Fine......they're gone. You had your chance.......

Really, seriously, our life is pretty darn boring. Work, fight over dinner, fight over TV, bed-fight over light on/off, TV on/off, then it starts all over again, except for Sat & Sun when we throw in a cooked breakfast for Sat morning & early Church on Sunday! YEAH for SUNDAYS! SERIOUSLY I love Sundays. Now if I could convince Tony that he only needed to eat just twice a day on Sundays, I would never turn the calendar over to Monday........ever.

Oh, we worry a lot. We worry about our parents. Are they healthy, are they they even care if they're happy? SERIOUSLY. We worry about our grandkids. Are they safe? Are they careful? Are they hangin with the right crowd? Are they doin their homework? Are they brushing their teeth (or in Ava's case, their hair)? We sorta worry about our kids, but between worrying about our parents & grandkids, there is only so much worrying room left to go around. I mean, who wants worry wrinkles......not me!!!

We sorta worry other people in the Ward. We're the Ward canning specialists. We annoy every one every Sunday by standing up before every class (& I do mean every darn class) & waving the inevitable clipboard (with attached pen) in front of their faces & pass along our beloved Bishop's message of hope/fear that their very lives depend on attending the Stake Cannery each month & canning every imaginable food available to be vacuum sealed with a sustainable shelf life of five years to Kingdom Come for a time of need! I can't believe we haven't been stoned in the parking lot by beleaguered ward members overwhelmed by guilt. (It will probably happen one evening when we switch to the late schedule & have to slouch to our car leaving Church under the cover of darkness.) SERIOUSLY

So please, if you happen to stop in & visit with us some time, just leave a comment & try to be kind. We're old now, & do not tolerate fools well. We may take you off our email mailing list!! (I can hear what you're thinking.....remember I have MOM radar!! & it still works!!)


  1. Yes I read your blog, everytime you up date it my blog tells me you have a new message. I actually liked looking at the old 60's photos and web site.

    Funny to read about fighting over everything. I remember talking to Grandpa Smith before his 50th wedding anniversary. I asked him what it was like to be married for 50 years. I was expecting some great wisdom and insights instead he just simply said, "that's a long time to fight with one women."

  2. OK, so here's the deal...we only look at this when we see there has been a new post. So, we haven't looked for a while, because it has been a while. The pictures were pretty neat, it is just weird to think of you guys as teenagers, heck it is starting to get weird to think of myself as a teenager...yikes! I thought I would always feel 18, ok at least 25. We love you. Love, Tasha & JD
